Captivating Color
Versatile Rust Orange Tie
Renowned as Frank Sinatra's favorite because it is the "happiest color," orange is typically underemployed in Classic Style because designer's just can't get the shade right. We tested and experimented for years to settle on this particular tone that combines the gravity of red with the sunniness of yellow to produce a refined rust orange.
The Color of Your Life
When you want to stand out without making a scene, let your accessories speak for you, and this rust orange tie has some marvelous things to say. Its simple Macclesfield neats pattern is both orderly and whimsical, lending itself to being dressed up or down while it highlights this year-round shade of orange.
During the warm months, this orange is like a vibrant sunburst blazing in the sky, filling you with confidence whether you've paired it with a dark navy suit for a day at the office or a light gray one for a lunch with friends.
With appropriately sedate accessories and a dark suit, this orange tie can easily be dressed up for more formal evening occasions, such as cocktails with an important client or a hot date for which you want to leave a lingering impression.
Considerations for the Collar
When tied, the knot of this necktie has sufficient visual and physical weight to pair well with any variety of shirt because its color makes such a lasting impression. With a narrower collar, the color draws attention to even the slightly-obscured knot. With wider collars, the interplat of the neat, orderly pattern and the color produce an effect that is enchanting but not overwhelming.
For Your Tie Knot
Although this tie will pair marvelously with any tie knot, medium or large knots look exceptionally dapper with the tidy Macclesfield neat pattern, as it prevents the tiles from appearing cut-off or awkward. Therefore, a full windsor or a half-windsor knot would be ideal options.
If you have any questions about tie sizes, or if you need help choosing a tie for yourself or as a gift, please get in touch with us, we are more than happy to help you!
SKUs: Short Untipped 4054956025514; Regular Self-Tipped 4054956025538; Regular Untipped 4054956025521; Long Self-Tipped 4054956025545